CIS Cares

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Who We Are

Since 2011, CIS has been giving back to the community. From donating over 1300 pairs of socks to a local homeless shelter to donating software to the Boys & Girls Club to keep its members cyber safe, the staff at CIS are making a difference.

CIS Cares operates four quarterly campaigns throughout the year in support of Community – Animals – Resource Conservation – and Education. During each of these campaigns, donation and volunteer efforts are hosted in support of that quarter’s cause:



Resource Conservation



Our Mission

CIS Cares is a volunteer employee program which aims to leverage the skills, time and resources of our organization and its people to produce positive and impactful outcomes within our communities and across the country.




“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”
– Margaret Mead



Some of the Ways We Care

Within the past four years alone, CIS Cares donated more than $10,000 to charities, in addition to in-kind donations and volunteer hours, and hosted over 50 events.

Here are some of the ways we’ve made an impact in our community:

  • Chili cook-off and bake sale to benefit Wounded Warrior Project
  • “Spread the Love” peanut butter drive to benefit the Regional Food Bank
  • “Serve up Success” volunteer effort to deliver meals to children in need in support of the Boys and Girls Club
  • “Socktober” donation drive in support of the homeless shelter at the Capital City Rescue Mission
  • Fundraiser and donation drive for Operations at Ease
  • Earth Day Walking Challenge and donation of trees for the National Forest Foundation
  • No-sew blanket event for Ronald McDonald House
  • Team clean up volunteering efforts at Camp Scully


CIS Cares Peanut Butter Drive 2021



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CIS Cares Highlights Volunteer Activities for the First Half of 2024

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The Season of Gratitude: CIS Cares Supports Big Brothers Big Sisters with Employee Donations

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Local Nonprofits Team up to Empower Students with Tools for Learning

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K-9s Receive Bulletproof Vests Courtesy of CIS Cares

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CIS Donates Laptops, Empowering the Community Through Education and Technology

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Podcast Episode 43: Episode 43: Giving Back Through CIS Cares
