CIS Leadership Principles
Leadership is about action and influence. While title and authority can coincide with leadership, by themselves, they do not make a person a leader. Leadership is a set of actions that will spur collaboration and inspire a group toward a common goal. As such, leadership can be demonstrated at any level, and by any member of a team or organization. You can, and should be a leader at all times.
Inspire and Motivate
Leaders demonstrate a positive attitude. They exude confidence, enthusiasm, and integrity, but act with humility. Leaders earn trust through their daily actions. They demonstrate to others how much they care before they convey how much they know.
Set the Example
Leaders are always on call to serve others. They strive to be role models in the integrity of their actions and character of their intent. Leaders live as part of the culture, not above it. They consistently demonstrate sound judgment. They carry themselves at all times, even when no one is watching, as if everyone was watching.
Take Responsibility
Leaders put a microscope on the problem so that everyone sees it, and then step up to own the solution. They hold themselves (and others) accountable to follow through to the conclusion. Leaders never pass the buck.
Deliver Results
Leaders get things done. They maximize impact through effective and efficient action in pursuit of common goals. Leaders effectively plan and collaborate, continuously audit and measure, and consistently produce positive outcomes. Leaders don’t make excuses and earn trust en route to delivering results.
Communicate Effectively
Leaders listen to understand and communicate to express, not impress. Their thoughts are well organized and communicated clearly, concisely, and succinctly. Effective communicators share pertinent information freely across the organization. They don’t gossip or spread rumors, nor do they tolerate those that do.
Leaders have the instincts to spot teaching opportunities that foster growth and use their knowledge by giving it to others. Leaders provide others the skills, resources, opportunity, and motivation to contribute to their team or organization. They set an example that no task is beneath them. Leaders celebrate success.
Command the Details
Leaders have command of their mission area and issues related to it. They empower, but audit, to the depth needed to command the narrative. Where applicable, leaders prep their subject matter experts and trust them to represent the topic. They know when to interject and when to never pass up the opportunity to remain silent to express confidence. Leaders are rarely caught off guard on big issues and take a 360-degree view of issues.
Promote Creativity
Leaders are inquisitive and curious. They challenge the status quo and use it to fuel their passion for driving change and improvement. They continually seek ways to encourage others to turn new and imaginative ideas or processes into action. They avoid the bandwagon to “The Way We Always Did It.” Leaders promote a passion and commitment toward excellence through creativity.
Debate and Commit
Leaders honor the room, but are willing to stand alone. They recognize their obligation to respectfully challenge others when they disagree, even when it is difficult. Leaders have convictions but possess the conviction to listen to opposing views. They do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion. Once a decision is determined, they fully commit.
Be Humble
Leaders have the strength of conviction and the self-awareness to openly admit when they are wrong. They avoid excuses and take responsibility to course correct. Leaders are frequently introspective, looking inward for blame and outward for success. They consistently examine how they could have performed better. Leaders avoid making the same mistake twice and see their mistakes as a growth opportunity for themselves, as well as an opportunity to mentor others.
Honor the Team
Leaders recognize and celebrate good work. They acknowledge effort and success in specific, descriptive, and measurable ways. Leaders are sincere and authentic in their approach, not automatic. Leaders will frequently express confidence in and support for those who work with them.
Be Agile
Leaders demonstrate a genuine commitment to consistently engage their customers and stakeholders. They pursue all means available to collaborate, design, and deliver satisfying products and services without delay to the customer. Leaders confront unexpected challenges and complexities with an open mind and are ready to adapt in order to continuously deliver value.
Cultivate Diversity
Leaders foster an environment in order to maximize the potential of our most precious resource—our people. They understand that producing exceptional results requires experiences and perspectives from diverse backgrounds. Leaders value, leverage, and honor these differences, while uniting people around common mission goals.