MS-ISAC Executive Committee Member Roles and Responsibilities
MS-ISAC Mission
- To improve the overall cybersecurity posture of the nation’s State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial (SLTT) governments through focused cyber threat prevention, protection, response, and recovery.
MS-ISAC Executive Committee Mission
- In line with the MS-ISAC Mission, meet recurringly and engage with SLTT cybersecurity leaders, MS-ISAC partners, and MS-ISAC staff to formulate strategies and provide thought leadership to the benefit of the nation’s cybersecurity posture for all.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
- Serve as trusted advisors to the MS-ISAC by providing thought leadership and strategic direction while ensuring the needs of the different segments of the SLTT community are both understood and met.
- Serve as ambassador for the MS-ISAC by promoting and supporting its mission, participating in reporting and other activities of the MS-ISAC, and by encouraging other Members within the SLTT community to participate in the activities of the organization and to utilize MS-ISAC cybersecurity services.
- Advise the Chair on the strategic direction of the MS-ISAC.
- Review and provide recommendations on current and future MS-ISAC services and models for prioritization and distribution.
- Vote on matters brought to the Committee’s attention or otherwise identified within the Committee’s deliberations. Each Committee Member will have one vote on matters brought forth by the MS-ISAC Chair for a Committee vote.
- The MS-ISAC Chair may not vote unless there is a required tie-breaking vote.
- Executive Committee Membership requires active participation to oversee the MS-ISAC mission. Committee Members must maintain active participation in Committee meetings and exhibit responsiveness to correspondence requiring action. Committee Members may be subject to removal from their position by the MS-ISAC Executive Secretariat in coordination with the MS-ISAC Chair if sustained pattern of nonparticipation is observed and recorded.
- Terms are three (3) years and are aligned to the federal fiscal year (START: 10/01/XXXX – END: 09/30/XXXX).
- If an Executive Committee Member needs to vacate their seat prior to the end of their term, they are responsible for notifying the Executive Secretariat or Chair in a timely manner. A replacement for the vacated seat will be selected from a list of appropriate candidates provided to the MS-ISAC Chair by the MS-ISAC Executive Secretariat and filled by appointment of the MS-ISAC Chair following notice and review of the full Executive Committee.
- The current composition of the MS-ISAC Executive Committee is 17 Members: 7 State seats, 2 County seats, 2 K-12 seats, 2 Tribal seats, 2 At-Large seats, 1 City seat, and 1 Emeritus Member.
Time Commitment*
- Attend Monthly Meetings via Webex**, the third Tuesday of every month from 4:00 – 5:30 pm ET (Eastern Time).
- ~90 minutes/month
- Attend Executive Committee Quarterly Meetings via Webex** with identified key partners of the Executive Committee.
- ~90 minutes/quarter (for each respective partner meeting)
- Attend in-person meetings as they may arise. Notionally, an Executive Committee DC Trip will occur between February-April and the ISAC Annual Meeting between June-August.
- ~2-4 days/event (2x/year)
- In between meetings, the ISAC may solicit thought leadership on requested topics from Committee Members.
- Ad hoc
- Mentor-Mentee Cohort Pairing Connections.
- Connect ~1-5 hours/month
- Executive Committee Member attendance at MS-ISAC Executive Committee Monthly Meetings cannot be delegated to other individuals in their organization.
*We understand sometimes there are unavoidable conflicts preventing attendance, the Chair and Executive Secretariat request you communicate in advance when you will be unable to attend so we can plan accordingly.
**If virtual meeting format or software is different from what is identified here, that information will be provided to Executive Committee Members prior to the meeting’s occurrence.