MS-ISAC Executive Committee FAQ

What is the Executive Committee?

The MS-ISAC Executive Committee consists of SLTT representatives elected by Membership to provide strategic guidance and recommendations on behalf of MS-ISAC Membership to the Center for Internet Security and federal partners with the goal of delivering continuous improvement of MS-ISAC services for its Members’ cybersecurity posture and maturity at every stage of their cybersecurity journey. The Executive Committee votes on matters brought to its attention coming from MS-ISAC Working Groups, Executive Committee Subcommittees, and the MS-ISAC Members at-large via various MS-ISAC engagement opportunities. See: MS-ISAC Executive Committee

Who is on the Executive Committee?

What is the current Chartered Membership composition of the Executive Committee?

The current composition of the MS-ISAC Executive Committee is 17 Members: 7 State/Territory seats, 2 Tribal seats, 2 County seats, 2 K-12 seats, 2 At-Large seats, 1 City seat, and 1 Emeritus Member.  See: MS-ISAC Charter.

What is the time commitment of an Executive Committee Member?

What are the expectations of an Executive Committee Member?

What is the term of an elected Executive Committee Member?

Terms are typically 3 years and are aligned to the Federal Fiscal Year 10/1-09/30.

How do I serve on the Executive Committee and what are the requirements for eligibility?

A nomination must be submitted during Call for Nominations to be considered. Then, you must be elected to the Executive Committee during the MS-ISAC Executive Committee Annual General Election Voting phase through a majority vote by the jurisdiction or sector Voting Members. During the MS-ISAC Executive Committee Annual General Election, jurisdiction/sector seats up for re-election: Tribal, State/Territory, K-12, County, and City. Every year there are a different number of seats up for re-election and the jurisdiction/sector alternates. This information is provided in the Call for Nominations and Voting emails, and other Member communications. Nominees must be a jurisdiction/sector match in order to qualify for the seat they've been nominated to fill. E.g., State/Territory nominee must be a State/Territory MS-ISAC Individual or Primary Member; Tribal nominee must be a Tribal MS-ISAC Individual or Primary Member; K-12 nominee must be a K-12 MS-ISAC Individual or Primary Member; County nominee must be a County MS-ISAC Individual or Primary Member; City nominee must be a City MS-ISAC Individual or Primary Member.

What is the MS-ISAC Executive Committee Annual General Election process?

Terms for Executive Committee seats are overlapping. Each year, Membership can nominate for seats with an expiring term during the Call for Nominations. New incumbents are elected by jurisdiction and sector specific MS-ISAC Voting Members during the Voting phase. The MS-ISAC Executive Committee Annual General Election typically occurs quarter 1 and quarter 2 of a given calendar year, and the typical sequence is as follows:

  1. Call for Nominations (which is open for a limited duration, once the deadline is reached, all incomplete or unsubmitted nominations are null and void).
  2. Call for Nominations Nominee vetting and validation.
  3. Voting (by jurisdiction/sector Voting Members only).
  4. Validation and Certification of results.
  5. Confirmation of intent to serve by newly elected Executive Committee Members.
  6. Notification Procedure.
  7. October 1st 3-year term starts officially.

What is the MS-ISAC Executive Committee Annual General Election timeline?

MS-ISAC Executive Committee Annual General Election typically occurs Q1-Q2 of a given calendar year. Call for Nominations is typically open for 2 weeks (open for a limited duration, once the deadline is reached, all incomplete or unsubmitted nominations are null and void). Voting is typically open for 2 weeks. Advancement from Call for Nominations to Voting is contingent on nominee vetting. The official results certification is contingent on vetting of votes and certification of the results by the MS-ISAC Executive Committee thereafter the votes have been vetted.

Who is eligible to vote in the MS-ISAC Executive Committee Annual General Election?

Each Member organization has a single Voting Member. By default, that is the organization's Primary MS-ISAC Member. See: MS-ISAC Charter. To be eligible to vote in the MS-ISAC Executive Committee Annual General Election, you must be the MS-ISAC Primary/Voting Member for your Member organization and be a jurisdiction/sector match. E.g., State/Territory Primary/Voting Member is eligible to cast 1 Member organization vote in State/Territory Executive Committee Election; Tribal Primary/Voting Member is eligible to cast 1 Member organization vote in Tribal Executive Committee Election; K-12 Primary/Voting Member is eligible to cast 1 Member organization vote in K-12 Executive Committee Election; County Primary/Voting Member is eligible to cast 1 Member organization vote in County Executive Committee Election; City Primary/Voting Member is eligible to cast 1 Member organization vote in City Executive Committee Election.

What is the difference between a Primary and Voting Member?

Most often, and by default, the Primary Member and the Voting Member are the same person. However, if the Primary Member chooses to defer voting to an Individual Member on their MS-ISAC Member organization account, they can request this account update via an email sent to [email protected]. See: MS-ISAC Charter.

What happens if I am elected to the MS-ISAC Executive Committee, and I need to leave before the end my seat term?

As soon as you know you might be departing from your term early, please notify the Executive Secretariat. There is an early departure/vacancy procedure for when this occurs.

Do newly elected Executive Committee Members need to submit for a background check or anything like that?

No, that is not necessary. Members are vetted by their Primary Member when they are added to a MS-ISAC Member account.

Do newly elected Executive Committee Members need to scrub their social media profile(s)?

No, that is not necessary.

More questions?

Reach out with your question via [email protected].