CIS Threat Aware

Empowering operational decision-makers to understand and mitigate internet-enabled threats to information systems, facilities, and people.

Subscribe today to raise your level of awareness.

In the everchanging landscape of cyber and physical security, awareness is key to helping you stay proactive and protected. CIS Threat Aware blends CIS’s proven, world-class information gathering, analytic, and information sharing capabilities to provide subscribers with a consistent source of insight and analysis into emerging threats that matter to you.

CIS's team of highly experienced analysts and security specialists, in collaboration with trusted cyber and physical security specialists, operate 24/7 to detect, evaluate, understand, and report on a broad range of threat-related activity by actors across the globe who use the power of the internet to engage in illegal – and at times even violent activities – including:

  • Cyber threats by state and non-state threat actors
  • Information operations conducted by foreign, state and non-state threat actors intended to incite, inform, or facilitate illegal activity
  • Physical threats facilitated by online activity

CIS Threat Aware provides subscribers with a weekly analysis of emerging threats, and regular in-depth analytic reports around critical threat related trends, designed to keep you aware of and protected against the use of online content and evolving technologies for criminal, violent, and other illegal purposes — all delivered directly to your inbox.

Stay aware, stay protected.   Subscribe to CIS Threat Aware today.

This product is currently only available to individuals and organizations within the United States.

Copyright © Center for Internet Security (2024). CIS is a non-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) status registered in New York State with tax identification number 52-2278213. Any copying, reproduction or exploitation of the whole of any part of this document without prior written approval from CIS is prohibited.

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