Terms and Conditions


General Terms and Conditions for CIS products and services

Please read the applicable Terms and Conditions carefully before using or purchasing a CIS product and/or service.

Terms and Conditions are defined for each product and service.


The CIS website (CIS) is intended to make it easy and efficient to learn about and interact with CIS and its various program areas such as CIS Controls™, CIS Benchmarks™, CIS CyberMarket®, CIS SecureSuite®, CIS Services® and the MS-ISAC® and EI-ISAC®.

Privacy Notice

Your privacy is important to CIS. CIS knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. The Privacy Notice describes our privacy practices, including what data we collect, how we use data and for what purpose. Given the importance we place on privacy, it is important that you read the Privacy Notice carefully.