2025 CIS MS-ISAC K-12 Cybersecurity Report: Where Education Meets Community Resilience
Published on March 6, 2025
Our report, "2025 CIS MS-ISAC K-12 Cybersecurity Report: Where Education Meets Community Resilience," shares our analysis of more than 5,000 K-12 organizations between July 2023 and December 2024. It shows that K-12 schools are prime targets of cyber attacks. Here are just some of our main findings:
- 82% of reporting K-12 schools experienced cyber threat impacts
- 14,000 security events during the reporting period
- 9,300 confirmed cybersecurity incidents in that same timeframe
Our report also conveys a significant increase in threat actors’ sophistication and timing. We all know that K-12 schools serve as essential community infrastructure, and it appears threat actors have also begun to more heavily exploit this fact, as schools provide not just education but vital services like:
- Nutritional support through breakfast and lunch programs
- Safe spaces for children of working parents
- Mental health and counseling services
- Special education and developmental support
- Community gathering spaces and resources
When cyber attacks disrupt these services, the effects ripple throughout the community. A parent missing work to care for a child during a school closure creates economic impact. A student missing meals due to cafeteria system outages affects their health and ability to learn. The loss of access to counseling services during critical times can have lasting effects on student well-being.
This publication informs K-12 schools of the top threats facing them and how this threat landscape is changing. It also explores how K-12 organizations are responding to these challenges through collaboration, preparation, and a deep understanding that cybersecurity in education is fundamentally about protecting people, not just technology.
Choose Your Download Option
Our report shows that K-12 schools with partnerships in place recover faster and experience less disruption. To learn about and take action on partnerships available to your K-12 school, choose from the following options to download our report.
1. Full Report
If you're an IT leader or administrator who needs a deep dive into K-12 cybersecurity risks and solutions, download the full version of our report, "CIS MS-ISAC 2025 K-12 Cybersecurity Report: Where Education Meets Community Resilience." It provides:
- In-Depth threat analysis
- Case studies from real schools
- Step-by-Step security strategies
2. Report Brief
If you're a school leader or educator looking for a fast, actionable summary of key insights, download our report brief, "Protecting Our Schools: Key Insights from the CIS MS-ISAC 2025 K-12 Cybersecurity Report." It covers:
- Top cybersecurity threats
- Essential security measures
- Quick implementation tips