Episode 56: Cybersecurity Risks and Rewards of LLMs
In episode 56 of Cybersecurity Where You Are, co-host Sean Atkinson is joined by Dr. Paulo Shakarian, Associate Professor at the School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering (CIDSE) at Arizona State University. Together, they discuss the cybersecurity implications of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT-3. They first look back on how deep learning has enabled machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to reach new levels of accuracy. Next, they discuss how ChatGPT-3 and other new AI models, which are designed to mimic human language, may have inaccuracies. This possibility opens up new vulnerabilities, such as the ability to scale information operations, along with new challenges from a cybersecurity perspective. They conclude by sharing their thoughts about the future of the AI and LLM space.
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- Neuro Symbolic YouTube Channel
- Neuro Symbolic AI
- Episode 49: Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
- Episode 48: 3 Trends to Watch in the Cybersecurity Industry
- Episode 33: The Shift-Left of IoT Security to Vendors
If you have some feedback or an idea for an upcoming episode of Cybersecurity Where You Are, let us know by emailing [email protected].