CIS Benchmarks Community Volunteer Spotlight: Doug Hunley

Doug Hunley headshot

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly morphing, making the need for rigorous security measures and standards paramount. An instrumental role in shaping these protective mechanisms is played by volunteers who contribute to the CIS Benchmarks Community. Our volunteers hail from diverse backgrounds. Some are experienced cybersecurity professionals, while others are enthusiastic novices eager to learn and share knowledge. They harness their expertise to review current Benchmarks' efficiency or develop new ones that address emerging threats.

Meet Doug Hunley, Lead Architect for Automation Technology at Crunchy Data. He is currently responsible for designing and developing Ansible-based automation solutions for deploying self-healing and highly-available PostgreSQL clusters with built-in monitoring.

A former database administrator (DBA) for Oracle and PostgreSQL and former Unix System Administrator and Line System Administrator, Hunley spent 20+ years in the field before joining a CIS Community. He's been a member of the CIS Benchmarks Community for six years now.

“Lots of people have opinions on how the Benchmarks should be, but very few of them have the time or energy to make the edits,” said Hunley. “That’s why being a part of the CIS Benchmarks Community is so valuable. We are all here for the same mission.”

Hunley has been the principal author of the CIS PostgreSQL Benchmark for every major release since PostgreSQL 10.

CIS Benchmarks aid organizations worldwide in defending their systems against potential cyber threats. Their development and maintenance requires a collective effort and is not possible without the unwavering support of our devoted volunteers.

Interested in becoming a volunteer like Doug Hunley?