6 Educational Cybersecurity Resources for Kids
Kids and teens around the country are staying home and adapting to a new virtual school environment. While the adjustment is fun for a while, the same routine can become tiresome, and students may be spending more free time browsing online. Not only that, but they might be using videoconferencing software that’s not properly secured.
Our video below explains how to secure those videoconferencing systems.
We’ve curated some of the best cybersecurity resources available for kids of every age to keep them entertained, educated, and safe while they spend more time on the internet during this uncertain time.
US Cyber Challenge’s (USCC) Cyber Quests
USCC is a CIS funded program that aims to identify America’s next generation of cybersecurity professionals. The Cyber Quests are a series of fun and challenging online competitions. They allow participants to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of information security realms. Each quest features an artifact for analysis, along with a series of quiz questions. A quest may focus on a potentially vulnerable sample web server as the artifact, challenging participants to identify its flaws using vulnerability analysis skills. Other quests are focused around forensic analysis, packet capture analysis, and more. The quests have varying levels of difficulty and complexity, and most are geared toward high school and college-age students. Register today to participate: https://uscc.cyberquests.org/
K-12 Computer Science Framework
This resource is a collaboration between the Association for Computing Machinery, Code.org, Computer Science Teachers Association, Cyber Innovation Center, and National Math and Science Initiative. The K-12 computer science framework helps inform the development of standards and curriculum to build a capacity for teaching computer science. Find a guideline that works for your child: https://k12cs.org/
This U.S. government website is focused on teaching kids how to identify bullying and how to stand up to it safely. It also provides training, state laws and policies, and school resources. Access resources to stop bullying on the spot: https://www.stopbullying.gov/
Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Looking for fun quizzes, games, and a library of resources to educate children, parents, and teachers about cybersecurity? PBS has what you need! The resources accommodate multiple age groups. Visit https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/lab/cyber/and PBS CyberChase: https://pbskids.org/cyberchase/
FBI’s Safe Online Surfing
This website has entertaining games and teacher resources to keep children of all ages safe online. Visit https://sos.fbi.gov/
Cybersmart Challenge
The Australian Government offers games and resources for teachers to keep children safe online. Visit https://www.esafety.gov.au/kids-quiz