CIS Threat Aware FAQ

Subscription and Reporting

When will I start receiving reports?

Once subscribed, you’ll automatically begin receiving the following reports:

  • You'll receive weekly Emerging Threat Reports at the start of each week (on Mondays, except holidays).
  • In-depth Analytic Reports are sent out as available, typically resulting in you receiving at least one per month.

Where will reports be sent?

Reports will be sent to the email address you provided during sign-up.


I haven't received anything.  What should I do?

  • Check if you're allowing emails from [email protected].
  • Reports are typically distributed on Monday. If you’ve subscribed after the weekly report is out, simply wait until the following Monday.
  • Contact us for further assistance. Please be sure to select “CIS Threat Aware” as your Area of Interest.

Managing Your Subscription

How do I unsubscribe?

  • Login to your account using your email address.
  • Go to your Current Plan.
  • Select "Cancel Plan" and confirm.

How do I change my payment method?

  • Login to your account using your email address.
  • Navigate to “Payment Methods.”
  • Select “Add payment method.”
  • Enter your payment information and select “Add.”
  • To make this your primary payment method, select the ellipsis (...) beside your chosen payment method and choose "Make Default."